AKB0048 Roleplay Wiki
Native Name Twostar
English Name Twostar
Japanese Name トゥースター
Official Languages Various (Japanese in most countries)
Form of government Various
Alignment DGTO and AEPS (depending on the country)
Population 1 500 000 000

Twostar is a planet separated into various countries. It is a planet with a complicated political situation as some of the countries are a part of AEPS, others a part of DGTO and some are filled with conflcits to the extent that they are not a part of either and the position of power is constantly switching between two factions supporting either AEPS or DGTO . It's the home planet of Tamaki Ririka.


On Twostar there are 5 continents called Mùarazi, Huǒarazi, Tǔarazi, Jīnarazi and Shuǐarazi. Most of them are separated further into different countries. Each of them has its own government(s) some of which are allied with AEPS while others are with DGTO.

There are two unions of the countries called Circle (Pro-AEPS) and Triangle (Pro-DGTO).

Due to it's diverse governments and very diveded political opinions some areas are very unstable with Circle and Triangle factions being in constant battles.



Mùarazi is a continent divided into seven countries all of which are part of the AEPS. Due to that it is the continent with the most stable political situation on the planet.


Huǒarazi is a continent divided into many smaller countries some part of Circle and other Triangle. It is the continent with the least stable political situation with many countries going back and forward from being and not being under Entertainment Ban. In recent decades DGTO faction has gained more power causing Pro-entartainment countries sorrundend by Anti-Entertainment countries to be in danger of being attacked and forcefully put under the entartainment ban.

Due to the unstable situation, most of the countries in Huǒarazi aren't officially considered a part of AEPS or DGTO.


Tǔarazi is a continent divided into two countries. One is a part of AEPS while the other is part of DGTO. Tǔarazi is technically considered to be one of the more politically stable areas on the plant. Ever since the formation of the two countries they have both kept their respecitve political systems and there has never been an armed combat between them. However despite that there is constant tension between the two countries and border separating them is very strictly guarded and citizens of the two countries are forbbiden from crossing it.


Jīnarazi is the smallest contient on the planet and the only one that isn't separated into countries. It is a part of DGTO and is mostly cut of from the other countries on Twostar. It is suspected, however, that it supports pro-DGTO factions on other continents.


Shuǐarazi is a continent divided into many smaller countries some of which are a part of Circle while others are a part of Triangle. While there are tensions between the two factions, the situation is not as turbulent as in Huǒarazi. All countries (regardless of their alignment) are a part of the Shuǐarazi Union and therefore bound by the general Shuǐarazi laws which strictly forbbid countries from interferring in the political situation of the other countries in the continent. While this limits the conflicts between different countries it does not stop the tensions between the two factions within the individual countries.

Important Citizens[]



  • Tamaki Ririka
  • Fujiwara Kasumi
  • Hino Kohaku
  • Todo Ayumi
  • Hino Yuzuru
  • Todo Sae
  • Nakamura Hikaru
  • Hino Michiru
  • Tamaki Sonoko




List of Countries by Continent[]



  • Hanaminia


  • Northeast Goldland
  • Southwest Goldland


  • Jīnarazi (country and a continent, not split into different countries)



  • The continents are named after 5 Chinese Elements (wood- Mùarazi, fire - Huǒarazi, earth - Tǔarazi, metal - Jīnarazi, water - Shuǐarazi). The second part of the continent name 'arazi' is Turkish word for 'land'.
Deep Galaxy Trade Organisation Aleenstar | Baltistar | Corrustar | Diamondstar | Funghistar | Hikaristar | Kasumigastar | Kagamistar | Koristar | Lancastar | Royalstar | Sagittariusstar | Saharastar | Shizukastar | Tundrastar | Tekistar | Twostar | Winostar
Absolute Entertainment Protection Sphere Akibastar |Angestar | Applestar | Aquastar | Atamistar | Bananastar | Eurostar | Koreastar | Maiamistar | Miraistar | Naniwastar | Neptuniastar | Nikkoustar | Okutamastar | Sakaestar | Sebustar | Shanstar | Spainstar | Sternstar | Summerstar | Tiarastar | Twostar | Urawastar
Neutral Planets Kazakhstar | Novacstar
Uninhabitable Planets Earth